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Total Board Resolution : 2559
DateMeeting NoB.R NoItem NoSubjectHOD 
08/01/2013543 10764 1 Granting Leave of Absence CS
08/01/2013543 10765 2 Confirmation of the Minutes of 542nd Board Meeting held on 18th & 19th Dec., 2012 at Nagpur & Continued Meeting held on 26.12.2012 at 'Nirmal'. CS
08/01/2013543 10766 3 To apprise that No Notifications related to CIDCO has been issued by Urban Development Deptt., Govt. of Maharashtra during 1.12.2012 to 1.1.2013. CS
08/01/2013543 10767 4 Power Point Presentation: By KIDC on Balganga Dam Project (As per directives of the Board dt. 26.12.2012). CE(S)
08/01/2013543 - 5 Power Point Presentation: Proposed modification u/s. 37(1) of MR& TP Act, 1966 in the sanctioned GDCR of Navi Mumbai for reconstruction or redevelopment of CIDCO constructed residential buildings in Navi Mumbai. (Deferred item on 6.11.12 Meeting). CP
08/01/2013543 10768 6 Regularisation of the development carried out after grant of development permission within the approvable limits, but without obtaining development permission on the plots allotted in Navi Mumbai (CIDCO jurisdiction) – Formulation of guidelines and procedure of regularisation. (Deferred item on 6.11.12 Meeting). CP
08/01/2013543 - 7 Power Point Presentation: A consolidated policy to determine the rates of additional lease premium for giving permission to consume different types of FSI. (Deferred item on 6.11.12 Meeting). M(TS-III)
08/01/2013543 - 8 Fast Corridor on CSTM - Panvel Harbour Line. (Deferred item on 6.11.12 Meeting). CE (SP)
08/01/2013543 - 9 Lease of Plot No.14, admeasuring 1386 sq. mtrs. in Sector-19, Kharghar to the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), New Delhi.(Deferred item on 6.11.12 Meeting). CSSO
08/01/2013543 - 10 Up-gradation of PRO as Manager (Corporate Communication) in the cadre of Sr. D.O. (Deferred Item) M(P)
08/01/2013543 - 11 Up-gradation of post of Law Officer (Deferred Item) M(P)
08/01/2013543 - 12 Strengthening/Re-structuring of Arterial Road [36 M wide road] from Khopta to IOTL, Sector-1 at Dronagiri. CE(N)
08/01/2013543 10769 13 Construction of Coastal Police Station (NRI) at Belapur Node of Navi Mumbai. CE(N)
08/01/2013543 10770 14 Financial Assitance/sponsorship to Global Konkan Festival 2013 organised by Konkan Bhoomi Pratisthan PRO
16/03/2013544 10771 1 Granting Leave of Absence CS
16/03/2013544 10772 2 Confirmation of the Minutes of 543rd Board Meeting held on 8.1.2013 at 'Nirmal'. CS
16/03/2013544 10773 3 Appointment of CIDCO as Special Planning Authority (SPA) for the Navi Mumbai Airport Influence Notified Area (NAINA). OSD (NAINA)
16/03/2013544 10774 4 Action Taken Report in respect of Resolutions passed by the Board in the following Board Meetings: 538 7.7.2012 & 14.7.2012 539- 3.8.2012 & 30.8.2012 540 - 28.9.2012 & 19.10.2012 541- 3.11.2012 & 6.11.2012 CS
16/03/2013544 10775 5 Power Point Presentation: A consolidated policy to determine the rates of additional lease premium for giving permission to consume different types of FSI. (Deferred item on 6.11.12 Meeting). M(TS-III)
16/03/2013544 10776 6 Strengthening/Re-structuring of Arterial Road [36 M wide road] from Khopta to IOTL, Sector-1 at Dronagiri. (Deferred Item) CE(N)

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